Destruction: John Paul II, the Communism, Pope Francis and the Bolivarian Axis
¨Coincidence is the word we use when we can´t see the levers and pulleys¨ (Emma Bull, American writer)
¨Coincidence is the word we use when we can´t see the levers and pulleys¨ (Emma Bull, American writer)
Reflections on former Argentine foreign minister’s recent concepts published in his column entitled ¨Yankees Come Home¨, by website. With a disturbing -and unexpected- result: the legal concept of 'command responsibility'.
As journalists, policymakers, and activists of various stripes and interests focus on the rise of the global middle class, scholars struggle with how exactly to define this category of people worldwide.
The flaming early stages of the conflict between Venezuela and Colombia and the emergence of Suriname in the theatre of operations. Understanding the Venezuelan president's strategy.